Parents in North Malaita have expressed their concerns over teachers involving in the voter registration program. Photo: World Atlas
Parents in North Malaita are raising concerns over the involvement of teachers within the region in the upcoming voter registration programme, saying it will have adverse effects on their children’s education.
The parents raised the concern after realizing that most teachers are engaged in the registration programme.
SIBC’s North Malaita stringer, John Andrew Kiri reports parents as saying this had happened in past and has had very adverse effects on their children’s education.
He adds, parents expressed dismay saying teachers are paid to teach and are least expected to involve in the voter registration program.
“The parents said they are not paying school fees so that the teachers can go and do other jobs beside teaching. The government itself has also paid them only for teaching and not any others beside. The parents went on to say if teachers who are interested and are serious about their profession as teachers, they should and must concentrate only on teaching our children, or if teachers who only wants their names to be in the government’s pay roll, but with vested interests in a different job, it is more better to quit teaching and wait for such program,” reported Mr. Kiri.
The parents call on the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development and responsible education authorities to address their case.