The Maringe Kokota People’s Right and Power Group has strongly condemned recent media statements by a Mike Havilea who claimed work on the Buala Haevo road project will start this month.
Mr Havilea told SIBC News that work on the Buala Haevo road will start this month adding, the project is an initiative by the MP for Maringe Kokota Varian Lonamei.
He added, the road will be around ten kilometers, which is welcoming news for the people of Maringe Kokota.
But condemning the claims, People’s Right and Power Group spokesman, Samson Aumae described them as totally lacking facts and misleading.
He said it is surprising that Mr Havilea a strong supporter of Hon. Lonamei, had seen it fit to capitalise on the Buala Haevo road project and lied to the public, especially the people of Maringe Kokota constituency in advancing their own political interests.
Mr Aumae said in a statement that according to sources from the Isabel Provincial Government, the Buala Haevo Road Project was an initiative by the Isabel Provincial Government, IPG, which includes Kamaosi and Allardyce Road Projects, and not by Mr Lonamei as claimed by Mr Mike.