PM Lilo and Sir Allan Kemakeza flanked by members of the Savo House of Chiefs at the Prime Ministers Office on Friday. Photo: GCU

PM Lilo and Sir Allan Kemakeza flanked by members of the Savo House of Chiefs at the Prime Ministers Office on Friday. Photo: GCU

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has praised the Savo House of Chiefs for their interest in supporting the national government pursues the development of the proposed Geo-thermal energy project on Savo Island.

Prime Minister Lilo said, if successful the project will have various benefits on the national economy as an alternate source of power which promotes renewable green energy.

Mr Lilo adds, the government wants to see the Savo House of Chiefs are given the power and mandate to decide on land ownership as opposed to the process of land acquisition.

Representatives of the Savo House of Chiefs including heads of the six main tribes on Savo namely Ghaubata, Kakau, Lakuili, Zimbo, Kiki and Togo met the Prime Minister last Friday to discuss issues surrounding the proposed Geo-thermal energy development on Savo Island.

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