Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: OPMC.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare conveys his congratulatory message to the Temotu Provincial Government and its people as the province marks its 33rd Appointed Day Celebration today.

In his message to the province, Prime Minister Sogavare says as head of the Government, he conveys his profound appreciation to the Temotu provincial government and its people for their significant contribution to nationhood over the years.

The Prime Minster assures the province that the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government is committed to work closely with the province in developing its potentials as this is in line with DCC Government’s development policies.

Meanwhile, Mr Sogavare says the development challenges facing the province should assist the National Government chart the course for a better future through needed amendments.

In the mean, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and Temotu Provincial Premier will not attending the Temotu Provincial second appointed day celebration in Lata today.

Temotu Provincial Deputy Premier Hon Stanley Hehahua confirms this morning, the Prime Minister was invited but sends his sincere apology.

Premier Nelson Omar who is currently in Honiara has also cancelled his attendance at his province’s important celebration due to transport difficulties.

Deputy Premier Hehahua says this changes was the result of the Solomon Airlines decision to stand down airlines services yesterday.

“We expect the Prime Minister and his delegation but as from yesterday 4pm adjustments were made the organising commtittee had to readjust the program and it was then issued out yesterday evening. I will be the guest of honour at this ocassion.”

The Deputy Premier says despite the odds, a lot of cultural and sports activities have been planned for the day.

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