PM Sogavare says thanksgiving service, evidence of God’s unifying force in our nation
The final combined Thanksgiving service in the lead up to the 2023 Pacific Games was held this afternoon at the St Barnabas Cathedral.
Esteemed dignitaries including His Excellency the Governor General, the honorable Prime, Speaker of the National Parliament, Chief Justice, Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Diplomatic Corp were part of the combined service.

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare making his statement at the Thanks giving service
The Most Rt Reverend Leonard Dawea, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia’, preached on the importance of National Unity as our Pacific Games hallmark.
Acknowledging the dignitaries, Prime Minister and Minister for the 2023 Pacific Games honorable Manasseh Sogavare MP urged Solomon Islanders to support our national quest to deliver the best games ever in 2023.
Prime Minister Sogavare admitted, in preparing for the games over the past five years, Solomon Islands has faced many CHALLENGES- the COVID-19 Pandemic, the November 2021 riots and its impacts, funding challenges, weather events, and negative voices from small sectors of our community.
“We have challenged ourselves to rise above these things, and we have succeeded in preparing our country to host the single largest event our country will ever host,” Prime Minister Sogavare said.
The last of the ‘Games venue’ will be handed over to the NHA in mid-October.

Prime Minister and madam Emmy Sogavare at the Thankgiving Service
The country CELEBRATE its successes and achievements, diversity, strength and our resolve as a nation, Mr Sogavare stated.
He said, the 2023 Pacific Games has brought our people, and our nation together. It is a force of UNITY. From the Ashes of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the Riots of November 2021, we rose together, united, and stronger, as one people and one region.
“Today’s thanksgiving service is evidence of God’s unifying force among our people and our nation,” the Prime Minister added.
The Prime Minister and PG2023 Minister pay tribute to all the people that worked hard to bring us to where we are today. Among them are; Mr Clint Flood, Senior Technical Adviser to the NHA Board and Chair, developed the initial concepts for all the sports facilities we now marvel at, Mr Peter Stewart, the Games CEO, Mr Jack Smith, the GOC Operations Manager. Mr Aaron Alsop, Executive Director of the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports, Ms. Alison Burchell, CEO of the National Sports Council, Mr Steve Clark, Executive Director of the Facilities Operations Management Unit.
Prime Minister’s Press Secretariat