The Central Police Station. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Central Police Station. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Traffic Centre of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is on the lookout for reckless driving especially intoxicated drivers on the road this long Easter weekend.

The Police Communication Unit says police will set-up random traffic checkpoints within Honiara.

It says, inconsiderate and unlawful traffic behaviour will not be tolerated.

As part of the same operation, Guadalcanal Police will also carry out random traffic checkpoints outside the town boundary.

The Commissioner of Police Mr. Frank Prendergast clarifies, police will not tolerate unsafe and careless attitudes that a minority of drivers are exhibiting.

Meanwhile, another traffic breach to be observed is the practice of using false vehicle registration numbers.

Traffic checks carried out last week track down a number of vehicles that were reportedly using different registration numbers. Traffic police have arrested two individuals and detained the two vehicles they were driving.

Police warn such traffic offenders to refrain taking the law into their own hands.

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