The 2019 Census Provisional count recorded an increase of 169, 930 (30.8%) since the 2009 Census.
The increase represents an average annual growth rate of 2.7 percent for the period from 2009 to 2019. This is equivalent to an increase of 17,000 people per year.
During the period from 2009 to 2019 and across the provinces, Honiara recorded the fastest annual growth of 57,000 people, 5,700 people per year followed by Guadalcanal with a population of 48,127 people, 4800 people per year.
Province with the lowest population is Temotu where growth continues to slow down even from 1999-2009.
Changes in population size at the provincial level shows Malaita recording the highest population of 173,347 followed by Guadalcanal with 154,150 and Honiara with 130,176 people. The least populated province is Rennell and Bellona with 4,091 people.
Speaking to launch the Provisional Results of the 2019 National Population and Housing Census in Honiara, Minister of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma said, the growth will likely to reach 1 million people in the next 10 years.
Minister Kuma said, it is now time for the government to take proactive approach now to address this trend.