Repairs on pothole-ridden Honiara roads set to begin soon


A car drops into a pothole near Bahai. Photo: Lowen Sei

Driving conditions in the capital city have deteriorated over the past few weeks as a result of heavy rains, and crater-like potholes now line the roads.

Honiara residents notice traffic worsening each week with hours-long waits becoming a normal routine while traveling in the city.

To fix the damaged roads that are contributing to delays, the Ministry of Infrastructure Development has engaged three local contractors.

MID Acting Permanent Secretary Jimmy Nuake said the ministry signed an agreement with the companies, and work is expected to start in the coming days.

“We should have started last night, but the rain disturbed their work,” Mr Nuake said. “They can’t work when the weather isn’t good.”

Mr Nuake said the aim is to upgrade areas in the city with the worst road conditions in order to ease traffic congestion.

He said the work will be focused on repairing stretches of road from the Fishing Village market to Henderson, Vura to Borderline, and from the Central Market to White River.

Muddy potholes outside Lawson Tama Stadium. Photo: Lowen Sei

Mr Nuake said the Kukum Highway was the worst-affected area in the city, but the ministry will focus only on fixing the potholes because the entire highway will be paved under the Japanese-funded road upgrade project.

He said the highway paving will begin in June after all roundabouts and drainage sites are completed.

“MID doesn’t want to spend too much money on putting it in perfect condition because they will rip up the whole section and put in new pavement,” Mr Nuake said. “What the ministry will do is to grade it and make it smooth to allow traffic to flow.”

He said the National Transport Fund Board approved the work plan for 2018, which covers maintenance of major roads and feeder roads in and around Honiara.

By Lowen Sei 

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