The Court of Arms of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Court of Arms of Solomon Islands. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Ministry of Provincial Government believes reviewing the Provincial Government Act will improve and strengthen the delivery of services to the provinces.

Speaking at the Public Accounts Committee hearing last week, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Provincial Government Stanley Pirione says trends since 1997, reveal the provincial Governments need to be properly equipped to deliver services effectively.

Mr. Pirione says the DCC Government has called for a review of the Provincial Government Act and this should address those problems.

“We believe that with the current DCC Policy that calls for a review of the the Provincial Government Act will help to address the issues that the provincial government faces, issues they face that they feel will make their lives easier to govern. In terms of the review of the Provincial Government Act that government supports and also touched too on the provincial government strengthening program I will cover later on, the Ministry will would like to kick start a process, that is all it would like to do, it wants to kick start a consultation process that will include the participation of all stakeholders.”

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