Solomon Islands Statistics Office Communication Officer Ender Rence. Photo credit: www.yourcommonwealth.org
The Solomon Islands Statistics Office within the Ministry of Finance and Treasury will undertake a pre-test training on the proposed Demography and Health Survey (SIDHS) tomorrow.
This includes mooting the quality of questionnaires, robustness and timeliness in assessing household and enumerator response rate and burdens.
This will test the practical usage of medical kits, sampling design and logistics support for the actual operation.
Solomon Islands Statistics Office Communication Officer Ender Rence said the purpose of the pretest is to familiarize enumerators with the flow of questionnaires in the field.
Mrs Ender says the training will be conducted in key strategic communities around Honiara, Guadalcanal and Savo Island.
“The training is a pre-test training and the enumerators and the staff are preparing to conduct the pre-test in some of the key strategic selected communities in and around Honiara, Guadalcanal and Savo Islands, and this will start as of Tuesday this month, which is tomorrow.”
Meanwhile, Government Statistician Douglas Kimi calls for cooperation from community leaders within the selected pre-testing areas.
The Solomon Islands Demographic Survey project will run from April to September this year.