Gerard Sabathil, Director for Europe External Action Services for North East Asia and Pacific and Minister Sandakabatu in Honiara last Friday. Photo credit: GCU.
Major reforms have now been placed in the Public Finance Management System, says the Minister of Development Planning and Aid Coordination, Connelly Sandakabatu.
Speaking to local journalists last week, Mr Sandakabatu says a major reform is in place for the Public Finance Management System.
“There’s a major reform in the Public Finance Management system in place right now. We have a Bill that was passed last year and we are implementing that on accountability and so on, and this CDF Bill still has to go to the floor of Parliament but in so doing we are still waiting for the final reports and consultations currently carried out in the provinces and various sectors within the ministry. Once that is done, the reports are finalised then it is our hope to have this concluded as soon as possible through parliament.”
However, European External Service Director in the Northeast Asia and Pacific Sabathhil Gerhard says the current Public Financial Management system still has some deficiencies.
“Your current system still has deficiencies, which is not unusual it’s not the only country this is an overall concern we have off course with our assistance money. The amounts are of great importance not only for the country but also for our taxpayers, we are responsible to the European Parliament, to the budget control people, to the auditors and the worst which could happen to us that we are criticised back home for the money which we would like to extend to the country. Therefore, it’s in our common interest that these issues are addressed.”