Former Chair of the former Solomon Islands College of Higher Education, Clement Kengava. Photo credit: Taiwanese Embassy.
A former Chairman of the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education Clement Kengava, has proposed that the Government seeks an education partnership pact with the University of Cambridge in England.
Mr Kengava says there is a need to give special attention to the newly established Solomon Islands National University so that it becomes the country’s centre of providing tertiary education and the designing and implementing of a national syllabus and curriculums for Solomon Islands.
He says any ruling Government must aim to raise the status of SINU and to do this we need to directly bring in a recognized international tertiary institution to develop the premier national university.
Mr Kengava strongly suggests, the Solomon Islands Government should seek an education partnership pact with the University of Cambridge in England, through the assistance of the British High Commission in Honiara.
He says the University of Cambridge is not new to Solomon Islands. In fact, it was our connection to the University of Cambridge which enabled the British Colonial Administration to provide the quality education this country needed, right up to independence.