SI-PNG Border crossing restriction order

The national government has put in place a restriction order to small craft vessels crossing the Solomon Islands-Papua New Guinea borders.
The order is: “The emergency powers COVID-19 restriction of movement of small craft vessels, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea border, order 2020”.
The oder was a resolution agreed upon in Parliament last week, and was announced yesterday by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare.
“Under this Order, a small craft not more than 10 meters must: a. Not leave Solomon Islands by crossing the boarder, b. Not enters Solomon Islands by crossing the border, and c. If the small craft vessel entered Solomon Islands by Crossing the border, it must not remain in Solomon Islands but, immediately leave the country by moving back across the border.”
Meanwhile, Officers of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force together with officers of other government agencies and ministries will be deployed very soon to monitor our common border with neighbouring Papua New Guinea.
Acting Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau told local journalists yesterday.
Commissioner Mangau says, this follows threats of importing the virus into the country through the border as PNG’s Kokopo Town has already recorded a positive case of COVID-19.