The Solomon Islands Development Trust has produced a video on what the organisation has described as the three dimensions of a General Election that will greatly impact on people.
The 35-minute video is part of SIDT’s recently launched Voter Education and Awareness project.
SIDT Director, Longden Manedika says the Project has three dimensions – the events prior to, during and after a general election and people’s lives can be impacted at these three areas, which may last four years for some people.
Mr Manedika adds, SIDT wants to iron out these three areas through the video.
“We are trying to address three dimensions, the events before an election, the events during an election and the events after an election. We know that in the rural Solomon Islands villages, after the election results, arguments over a wining and losing candidate can happen if you visit the villages. Such arguments can last four years which is a negative impact as a result of an election result, which we do not want happen. Those are the dimensions we want to iron out in this documentary.”