SIEC records high voter turnout during Malaita by-election
Malaita province ward 28 provincial election saw its highest voter turnout at 82 percent after the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) successfully held its first synchronized by-elections.
Acting Chief Electoral officer Frederick Bosoboe told SIBC news the synchronized by-elections saw the West Kwaio national by-election being held together with the ward 28 provincial election.

Counting for the Ward 28 by-election in September 2022 (Photo: Solomon Islands Electoral Commission)
“The national by-election has the synchronized component to it the election is a success for the office as the turnout is very high with 82 percent turnout compared to the provincial election held Ward 18 in East Kwaio this saw a low voter turnout of 49 percent,” Mr Bosoboe said.
Mr Bosoboe said this shows a clear picture of voter turnout for provincial elections when it is being held simultaneously with the national election.
The electoral commission has completed three by-elections in Malaita province, one national election and two provincial elections.
Mr Bosoboe called on the candidates who had contested in the parliamentary election to report details on their election campaign and related expenses as provided for under section 69 of the Electoral Act 2018.
Mr Bosoboe said that the official publication of the West Kwaio Constituency by-election result is on Wednesday 28th September, 2022.
“90th day counting from Wednesday 28th September, 2022 is Monday 26th December, 2022. All candidates contesting this by-election must within this 90-day period, submit all accounts of election campaign expenses incurred during and for their campaign trail.
“As of today, contestants in the recent West Kwaio national by-election day have only 76 remaining days.
“Along with these election campaign expense accounts, the law also requires candidates to disclose all sources of funds or donations received towards their election campaign activities,” the Acting Chief Electoral Officer said.
By Sharon Nanau