Solomon Islands took part in the regional workshop on Border Management Systems (BMS) coordinated by the Pacific Immigration Development Community Secretariat (PIDCS) from 19– 20 April 2023 in Port Moresby.
Papua New Guinea’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Immigration, Honorable John Rosso officially opened the workshop and highlighted the importance of border management systems in the region as it promotes seamless travels, stream line visa process, facilitating international trade, migration and tourism in the region.
Deputy Prime Minister Rosso emphasized the value of information sharing and learning from each other’s experiences and to find solutions for BMS that fits the Pacific region.
“There is a greater need for the Pacific region in implementing Border Management Systems that fit the purpose of border security, protecting the region against transnational organized crimes; and global health security,” Hon. Rosso said.
Participants came from all over the Pacific region to the workshop hosted by the Papua New Guinea Immigration Citizenship Authority and funded by PNG ICA, UNDP, PIDC and New Zealand.

Pacific Islands Immigration Directors and Senior Officials during the Border Management Systems officials’ regional conference. The regional workshop officially by the Papua New Guinea Minister for Immigration and Deputy Prime Minister Honourable John Rosso MP on Thursday 19 April 2023 at APEC House in Port Moresby.
Head of PIDC Secretariat Mr. Akuila Ratu acknowledged the regional BMS workshop’s outcomes to develop a BMS framework and a business module for the regional members’ border systems.
The PIDC Secretariat was tasked to identify regional processes or plans for PIDC members to adopt to improve members’ ability to access Immigration Departments Border Management Systems.
Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea also finalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Security Cooperation and a Five Year Action Plan between the two countries at the margins of workshop.
The action plan was developed to support Solomon Islands Immigration Division during the SPG 2023 by exchange trainings, capacity developments, and joint border security and operations.
During the workshop, the PNG ICA demonstrated applications that were developed to facilitate clearance of athletes, VIPs, Officials, and passengers during the SPG 2023 in November 2023.
The PNG ICA Chief Migration Officer, Mr Stanis Hulahau assured Solomon Islands Immigration that PNG ICA is committed to support Solomon Islands Immigration and the government to successfully host the SPG 2023.
– Government Communication Unit