Solomon Islands – Papua New Guinea senior officials concludes meeting on Reviewing Border Arrangements
A bilateral meeting between senior government Officials of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands on the ongoing review of the existing Border Arrangements between both countries, was held on 18 -19 December 2023, in Honiara.
The meeting was a follow up to the outcomes and discussions of the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea Joint Border Committee (JBC) in 2019.
The meeting was co-chaired by the Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Mr. Collin Beck and the Director General for Border and Security, Department of Foreign Affairs of Papua New Guinea, Mr James Noglai. Senior officials from various government ministries and agencies attended the meeting.
Issues discussed during the meeting include; the review of the Treaty concerning Sovereignty, Maritime and Seabed Boundaries and Cooperation on Related Matters, and the MOU on Combined Surveillance of the Common Maritime Border between the Independent State of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.
The review of the Basic Agreements on Border Arrangements and the Administration of Special Areas.
During the meeting the Permanent Secretary Collin Beck emphasized the need to finalise the review of the existing formal border arrangements between Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea and strengthen cooperation by border agencies along the common border.
The meeting concluded with the signing of outcomes, as Senior Officials have agreed to review existing MOUs, including exploring new MOUs, and commence discussions by the 2nd quarter of 2024, where PNG will host the next Senior Officials Meeting.