Malaita Provincial flag. Photo credit:

Malaita Provincial flag. Photo credit:

Two candidates for the provincial elections in Malaita Province are calling on the Ministry of Provincial Government to explain why their election symbols were changed at the last minute.

One of the two, Joel Junior Revely candidate for Ward one Aoke Langa Langa told SIBC News he discovered very late that his symbol was changed from a coconut tree to a tree.

He said this is unfair as it causes confusion to his voters.

“My voters are already aware of my symbol so I raised this switch or that error on the ballot paper to the Returning Officer responsible here Thomas Puahanikeni, who told me he couldn’t do anything about it so they have to call and talk to someone by the name of Robert in Honiara who is looking after the Provincial elections at the Ministry responsible and he has advised that we carry on with the elections, so I have a problem at the moment. I am questioning this decision is there any point that we could defer the election to be fair.”

Meanwhile, another candidate for Ward 17 of East Kwaio John Laisy said he was only notified before the polling day that his symbol has changed from a coconut tree to a boat.

“I was called out by this Assistant Returning Officer who told me that my symbol has changed from a coconut tree to that of a boat. Now where we are it is quite difficult to rally people and inform them on this change. I am calling on the responsible authorities for a good explanation on this change.”

SIBC News understands provincial elections for Isabel Province and Matakwalao ward in North Malaita have been postponed for today.

Meanwhile, provincial election results for five provinces who went to the polls yesterday are expected during the course of the day.

Provincial election coordinator, Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening Mr. Robert Kaua told Unified Voice in an earlier interview, Rennell and Bellona, Guadalcanal, Central, Temotu and all except one Ward in Malaita province elected their provincial ward member yesterday.

A Guadalcanal Provincial election officer says counting for the Province begins this morning at various locations in Honiara including the GP Police Headquarter and the National Museum.

SIBC News understands, counting have started in most of the other provinces.

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