The tailings dam at the Gold Ridge mine. Photo credit: Pacific Scoop.

The tailings dam at the Gold Ridge mine. Photo credit: Pacific Scoop.

Former Guadalcanal Premier Stephen Panga has raised concerns over the Tailing Storage Facility at Gold Ridge, after the continuous heavy fall rain in the past days.

He says the Gold Ridge Mining Limited and its stakeholder including the National Government must ensure the safety of the downstream communities.

Panga reports, few communities in the downstream have seen dead fish floating on their rivers.

“The spillover went into the Kwara river and people living upstream in villages like Pitukoli, Kwara, and the nearby villages have been affected with mild sickness and there are sightings of dead prawns and fish floating along the river.”

Meanwhile, the Gold Ridge Mining Limited has assured, it is working closely with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Health, World Health Organisation and the Police in monitoring the spillway.

Chair of the Gold Ridge Mining Investment Limited Mr. Walton Naezon recently said the company’s priority is to ensure the de-watering process is well underway, considering the safety of people especially in the downstream communities and their environment.

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