The Minister of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, Silas Tausinga. Photo credit: Parliament.
Talakali Clinic on Malaita has received a 1,000 litters water tank and Solar Panels from Hon. Silas Vagara Tausinga, the care-taker minister for Provincial Governments and Institutional Strengthening, MPGIS, last Friday.
In a moving handing-over ceremony at Auki, Minister Tausinga said the equipment will help enhance the delivery of health services to Talakali and surrounding areas within central Kwara’ae and Langalanga lagoon.
The minister also said the handing of water tank and equipment will not completely solve the operational problems facing the clinic, but indicate a ‘pathway of hope and cooperation’ where the community, provincial government and the national Government will work together not only in the health sector, but also other sectors including education, commerce and other social service sectors.
The Government Communication Unit reports, handing over the assistance, the Minister has said the donation maybe small however what is more important is the engagement built and the recognition of the process they started, in order to provide assistance to the clinic and to other facilities in other sectors in Malaita Province in the future.
The minister also emphasized that the engagement of community members to be part of the planning and implementation process for all provincial governments, should be recognized in national planning and budgeting preparations.
He said the partnership is what is encouraged in Phase 2 of the Provincial Government strengthening program, PGSP, where community participation is highly encouraged.
In response, Chairman of the Talakali Clinic, Mr. Silas Waletofea thanked the minister and the ministry for the great assistance.