Flag of Temotu. Photo credit:   commons.wikimedia.org

Flag of Temotu. Photo credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Temotu Province will celebrate its 31st Second Appointed Day Anniversary tomorrow in Lata.

The Temotu Provincial Premier, Hon. Nelson Omar prior to the second appointed day celebration has expressed, infrastructure remains his government’s most urgent development priority .

Premier Omar told Distaem Nao program this morning, his government is not implementing any new policy but concentrating on incomplete projects and priorities left by the previous government.

“And the government has not been implementing new projects but taking on where the last government has left. TPG like any other provincial assemblies had been prioritising its development in infrastructure. The biggest challenge that we have is the delivery of services to the total populace. I do not want to forget that funds are always the problem in delivering services in a province like Temotu because of its geographical location as I’ve said.”

Meanwhile, Premier Omar thanks his executive members and supporters for honouring and trusting his leadership.

He thanked his government’s stakeholders for working in partnership in the implementation of the province’s policies.

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