The NDC through the NDMO has delivered food relief supplies on Ontong Java atolls over the Easter Weekend.
The National Disaster Council (NDC) through the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) has over the Easter weekend delivered a total of 44206 bags of 10kg rice equivalent to 42.06 tons of rice as Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) in respond to the food shortage on the remote islands of Pelau and Luaniua atolls on Malaita Outer Islands.
According to the NDMO, the food relief supplies were well received by the communities through their respective house of chiefs during a handing over ceremony after the items were being unloaded on the island
Chief Tom Makaike of the Luaniua House of Chiefs stated the handing over of supplies is timely as food stocks on the island continue to deplete. He added irregular shipping services to the island also impacted on replenishing the food stocks which the community relies on, as the only source of staple food on the island is the giant swamp taro (kakake) and sprouted coconut (vara).
Chief Christian Poasi of the Pelau House of Chiefs shared similar sentiments adding that communities around the island are very happy with the timely delivery of relief food supplies given the current situation on the island.
The NDMO is committed and strives to respond to any disaster situation throughout the country in a timely manner within its means to ensure communities livelihood is returned to normal quickly.
The recent HADR mission is in response to the reported and now confirmed food shortage on the Islands in the later months of year 2023.