The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has announced three police officers will be disciplined in relation to recent allegations that police officers stole properties from the Gold Ridge mine site.
In a media release last week, Forum Solomon Islands International says, Deputy Police Commissioner Operations Nela Mosese made the statement to Chiefs and the Executive of the Gold Ridge Community and Landowners Council in a meeting on Friday last week.
During the meeting, Mr Mosese also announced police will step up strategic security and policing at the Gold Ridge Mining lease area.
Mosese said the Police Response Team will take control of the Bubulake office, the main plant site and the Icom area.
The Police boss also assured landowners investigations into allegations that certain Police Officers stole properties from the Gold Ridge mine site are underway.
He told landowners his office are taking the reported allegations seriously and as a result of investigations three officers will be disciplined.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Police Commissioner Operations issued a call to landowners currently helping out to provide security at some of these locations to remove their presence from these sites.
Nela Mosese says this is to allow Police to freely execute their duties.