Josephine Teakeni Director Vois Blong Mere Solomon Islands. Photo credit: pacwip.

Josephine Teakeni Director Vois Blong Mere Solomon Islands. Photo credit: pacwip.

A training on Transformational Leadership will start Monday next week in Honiara.

The training, the second of its kind, will be held for aspiring women candidates for the 2014 elections and male champions.

Speaking to SIBC News, the Director of Vois Blo Mere Solomons, Josephine Teakeni says the training will enhance women’s leadership roles before advocating in communities.

“The main story behind this training is to prepare women so that they understand what role to become a person, first of all you have to really look at you as a person, your capabilities, your capacity and you as a person in your leadership role, leadership style that you perform, who are your which is very important. We are also going to look at diversifying gender in such areas which will be covered thoroughly so that we can know who we are before we can do our leadership role and before we can advocate for change.”

About 30 participants from around the country are expected to attend the Transformational Leadership training.

It is supported by the European Union, and UN Women in partnership with Vois Blo Mere Solomons and National Council of Women.

The Transformational Leadership training will begin on Monday next week, and will end on August 1.

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