Turning plastics into purses to tackle waste in Gizo
Although Gizo, the capital of Western Province, is a well-known tourist destination, managing waste is a challenge for the small town.
Some local women became so concerned about the waste management issue that they decided to form Plasticwise Gizo in February.
Chairwoman Rendy Solomon said members of Plasticwise Gizo focus on promoting the three Rs of waste management — reduce, reuse and recycle — for plastic bags and other plastic products.
Over four days this year, the women showcased different ways to recycle plastic, such as by making purses, mobile phone holders, garlands and flower decorations.

Several members of Plasticwise Gizo
Since its formation, the group has also held a plastic recycling workshop with the United Church Women’s Fellowship in Gizo and conducted awareness programs in 10 area schools.
Plasticwise Gizo will meet in February to set its agenda for next year.
Mrs Solomon said members would like to work closely with business houses and the new Government of Western Province.
“Business community, please, let’s work together,” she said. “You enjoy the benefits of getting money and making a profit from your business plan — we also want to enjoy the environment we live in, and especially our kids.”
By Kikiva Tuni