Tuwo community on Fenualoa Island, Temotu province now have access to basic water resource to improve their health, sanitation and quality of life.
This was possible through the Solomon Islands Water Sector Adaptation Project (SIWSAP) under the Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification.
The project aims to enhance resilience through increasing water storage capacity, protecting and managing existing water sources.
It will embark sanitation campaign through a climate change initiative.
Deputy Director of the Water Resources Division Isaac Lekelalu says, SIWSAP will improve the resilience of water resource to climate change impacts and sustain livelihoods in targeted vulnerable areas.
The SIWSAP pilot sites are Tiggoa (Rennell and Bellona Province), Taro (Choiseul Province), Gizo (Western Province), Santa Catalina (Makira-Ulawa Province), Ferafalu (Malaita Province) and Tuwo (Temotu Province).