Upgrades Progress for Santa Cruz Airfield
Upgrades to the Santa Cruz Airfield in Temotu Province are progressing steadily, marking a significant milestone in the Solomon Islands Government’s commitment to enhancing the nation’s aviation infrastructure.
The SBD 117 million upgrade is supported by the World Bank under the Second Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project (SIRAP2), and is being managed by the Ministry of Communication and Aviation (MCA), with China Harbour Engineering Company Limited as the contractor and Egis as the supervising consultant.
Phase 1 of the project, expected to take 6-7 months, includes site clearing, topsoil stripping, and base course preparation. Completed tasks so far include clearing, backfilling, and preparing the laydown and quarry sites. The workforce comprises 37 people, including 15 locals (13 men and 2 women) and 22 international workers.
Material and equipment have been shipped from Papua New Guinea to Lata via Honiara. Three barges carrying equipment have already arrived in Lata, while the fourth barge carrying an excavator, jackhammer, vehicles, and supplies is expected this week.
Further engineering materials are set to arrive in late January and February 2025. Heavy equipment, including a chip seal spreader, is now on-site, and a mobile quarry station has been established to produce coral material for sub-base and base course works. Compliance testing is also underway to ensure all materials meet required standards.
Alwyn Danitofea, Permanent Secretary of MCA, emphasized the critical importance of the upgrade, stating “the Santa Cruz Airfield’s remote location – approximately 645 kilometers from Honiara – poses significant challenges for aircraft in the event of adverse weather or mechanical issues. This vital infrastructure project is well aligned with the Solomon Islands’ national development goals.
In addition to the Santa Cruz Airfield upgrade, SIRAP2 is delivering other key infrastructure projects, including the construction of the Noro Road, four new bridges in Malaita, upgrades to Honiara and Munda Airports, investments in air navigation systems in Makira-Ulawa and Temotu Provinces, and maintenance of regional airports.
-SIRAP Press Release