PM Sogavare, right, enlightening the Taiwanese Deputy Foreign Minister Kao about the Democratic Coalition for Change Government’s Policy direction. Photo credit: OPMC.
A visiting delegation from the Republic of China, Taiwan led by its Deputy Foreign Minister, Andrew Chen-Chuan Kao called on Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare yesterday.
The delegation conveyed to the Prime Minister, ‘warmest’ congratulations to the Government and people of Solomon Islands on the occasion of commemorating the country’s Independence anniversary.
The team also conveyed Taipei’s sympathy after learning reports on damages caused by the recent bad weather in Solomon Islands.
Minister Kao also expressed admiration for the strong support that Prime Minister Sogavare had displayed towards the ROC-Solomon Islands relationship over the years.
The Taiwanese Deputy Foreign Minister also spoke about Taipei’s eagerness to see the Solomon Islands Government appoint a new Solomon Islands Ambassador to Taiwan.
He said immediate filling up the vacant post is necessary to ensure a more proactive promotion of Solomon Islands in Taiwan.
In response, Prime Minister Sogavare heartily acknowledged the message of congratulation and sympathy from the Taiwanese Government.
On the issue of Solomon Islands-ROC diplomatic relations, the PrimeMinister said Solomon Islands and Taiwan remain friends through thick and thin.
Prime Minister Sogavare said, Solomon Islands remained a highly aid-dependent country after 37 years since independence and will need to open up in a bid to attract more investors to help develop its economy.
He informed the Taiwanese deputy Minister that the Democratic Coalition for Change Government is establishing free economic zones to assist in this endeavour.
Legislation for the free economic zones would be introduced at the next sitting of Parliament to attract quality foreign investors.