Wale says UNICEF report on child abuse ‘alarming’

Wale says UNICEF report on child abuse ‘alarming’


LEADER of Opposition Hon Matthew Wale says alarming reports of child abuse in the Solomon Islands and the region as a whole is a serious matter.

Hon Wale made the comments following reports released in the media by UNICEF on the shocking rate of child abuse in the region including Solomon Islands.

The Opposition Leader said addressing child abuse has always been a neglected agenda by successive governments.

Hon Wale said there is a lack of commitment and cooperation across all sectors in all levels of governance to tackle violence and abuses against our children.

“More needs to be done in the enhancement welfare and protection of our children and it is the responsibility of the government to take the lead,” he said.

The Opposition Leader said the Child and Family Welfare Act 2017 should also be reviewed.

Hon Wale said the reports of child abuse in the media and cases before our courts itself are shocking, indicating vulnerability amongst our children even within their own homes.

“These are indicators of failed family systems, social structures and legal protections,” he said.

The Opposition Leader also adds data on the issue at hand is out dated and the government and stakeholders need to strengthen their partnership and collaboration.

Hon Wale said the rights of children should be part of ongoing awareness in schools, churches and our communities.

“Children need to be taught in schools, churches and communities on the issue of child abuse,” he said.

The Opposition Leader said more support is also needed to empower social welfare officers in their role to provide services to children and families.

Hon Wale said the government must take the lead in identifying the problems and put more efforts into mitigation.

“We must not turn a blind eye on this issue,” he said


Office of the Leader of the Opposition Press Release 

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