Permanent Secretary Jimmy Saelea. Photo credit: SIBC.

Permanent Secretary Jimmy Saelea. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Permanent Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock, Jimmy Saelea says the potential for agriculture in the Western Province is huge.

Mr Saelea made the statement in his address at the Mini Agriculture and World Food Day celebrations in Munda, last Thursday.

He said the opportunities for farmers to capitalize on in certain markets in the Western province are something other provinces can only dream about.

“Opportunities for farmers to capitalize on certain markets in the province is something that other provinces can only dream about. Take for example the demand for fresh fruits and vegetables by the tourism industry, logging industry and fisheries sectors here; the demand for pork and other livestock by the fishing industry and chili for Soltuna.”

The Permanent Secretary also said there is potential for agricultural to flourish in the Province with its existing infrastructures and regular shipping services.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture Jimmy Saelea has also congratulated the Taiwan Technical Mission in Munda, saying food crops development is another important area for the province.

Mr Saelea said this initiative will go a long way to developing Province’s capacity in agriculture development.

“Food Crops Development is and another important area for the province. On this I must congratulate the Taiwanese technical Mission and the landowners of Vavanitita for seeing the need to establish the multi-training centre here in Munda.”

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