Women in Central Guadalcanal celebrates “World Food Day”.

Women in Central Guadalcanal celebrates “World Food Day”.


Women in Bahomea, Malatoha and Belaha in Central Guadalcanal celebrated the ” World Food Day” at the Garivera Park yesterday.

The event was part of a two-day program which started on Tuesday with the commemoration of the “International Day of Rural Women.”

The celebration saw many activities including traditional cooking competitions and awareness sessions.

Organized through the Tina Hydro Project Gender Action Plan, the event aims to recognize and empower women in the communities.

Speaking during the event, Director of Research at the Ministry of Agriculture, Martin Jaiki thanked the women for their contribution in the development of their communities.

” Let us recognize the role of farmers including the women of Bahomea, Malatoha and Belaha in producing the food that sustains their communities and families.
These women are the backbone of our communities, contributing significantly to both social and economic development.”

“We must support these leading actors of our food systems by providing them with tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to thrive,” he said.

Local products displayed at one of the stalls.

The Tina River Hydro Project through its Gender Action Plan has been working with the three catchments areas in promoting and addressing gender and social issues.

Gender Focal Point and Community Liaison Officer, Helen Dolaiano said the event is part of the Gender Action Plan planned activities.

“ We have activities that we’ve implemented for the past five years which includes life skills, financial literacy, agriculture and social media marketing trainings. These two days of celebration is part of these activities where we aim to network with government Ministries such as Health and agriculture as the livelihood here is more on agriculture.”

” So, that is of great importance for these women as through these they are able to learn more about issues on agriculture and health. I can say that this has been a huge achievement for these women and the project.”

Women at an awareness session conducted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.

Meanwhile, President of the Bahomea Women’s Association, Sharon Para said women really enjoyed the event.

“ We rarely come out and do such activities and this two-day event has  been fun for us as we get to take part in modern and traditional wear competitions and cooking competitions, which is quite a new experience for most of us.”

” It also gives us a chance to showcase our products and to get  information on health and agriculture through the awareness sessions conducted,” said Para.

SIBC News understands, the Gender Action Plan was developed in  2017 with the support of the World Bank. It aims to promote equal opportunities for both women and men to participate and receive project benefits.


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