Women receives assistance from Helpem Sista project
By Mary Manelegua
Live and Learn Solomon Islands and its partners have assisted three communities in Honiara through the Helpem Sista project.
The assistance included 96 piglets, 2 and half bale of white clothes and 140 colors, 6 bales of second hand clothes and 102 different types of gardening tools.
Others are seeds worth SBD 5,000, 60 birds, 28 bags feeds, 18 feeders, 18 drinkers and 14 sewing machines.
The recipient communities are Mosquito, Saint Michael and Highway communities.
The project is implemented in Solomon Islands through the partnership between Live and Learn Solomon Islands, People with Disabilities Solomon Islands (PWDSI) and CARE Australia’s Pacific Partnerships Unit (PPU).
It aims to support women’s groups at the community level to establish savings groups and support them with income generating activities. This includes addressing barriers to women’s participation in decision-making inclusive of people with disabilities.
Live and Learn Solomon Islands Project Manager Maria Afu said the assistance is just a start of implementing the project on a bigger scale.
Mrs. Afu encouraged women from three communities to take the project seriously as it will support their families, children and future of their communities.
Meanwhile women from the recipient communities acknowledged Live and Learn Solomon Islands and its partners for the project.