World Teacher’s Day Celebrated in Honiara

World Teacher’s Day Celebrated in Honiara


By Ian Kaukui 

Teachers in and around Honiara today celebrated World Teachers Day with the theme, “Valuing teacher’s voices, towards a new social contract for education.”

The day-long event began with a colorful float parade from Maranatha Hall, down the eastern part of Honiara town and ended at FOPA Village at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) where speeches and entertainments are held.

Delivering the key note address Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development Permanent Secretary Dr. Franco Rodie said this year’s theme calls for the recognition of teachers efforts to provide quality education in the country.

Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development Permanent Secretary Dr. Franco Rodie

He emphasized the importance of recognizing teacher’s contributions, especially in remote areas where the shortage of qualified teachers remains a challenge.

The theme underscores the urgency of engaging teachers to address the challenges faced but more especially to acknowledge the benefit from the expert knowledge and the input they bring to our education, it is recognized that the right to quality education means the right to a qualify teacher whose provisional status is acknowledge like any other professions.”

Dr Rodie said his ministry recognizes the teaching occupation as a skills development as it empowers Solomon Islanders to contribute positively to the country’s development.

“It is relevant that we ought to fully harness teachers’ potential, it is crucial that teachers’ voices are heard, valued and respected in the decision-making process that affect their profession,” he said.

Meanwhile, President of the Solomon Islands National Teachers Association, Andy Tosasai said the theme highlights the importance of empowering teachers in their role as education providers in the country.

When we listen to their ideas and experiences, we can create a better learning environment that respects and supports everyone,” he said.

President of the Solomon Islands National Teachers Association, Andy Tosasai

Mr. Tosasai said any new agreement undertaken by the government to address teacher’s concerns should make teachers feel important and enable them to have the tools they need to succeed in today’s complex world.

Let’s work together to make a better space where teachers can strive and take on leadership roles in shaping education. By valuing their voices, we improve education for all generations,” he said.

The event concluded with performances from the various schools.


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